Look around any commercial gym and it's always the "Cardio" machines that are busy. Why? Is "cardio" the best way to shift those extra pounds? Can you hit that (mythical) "fat-burning zone" only if you waste hour after hour on some useless bit of kit with a TV trying to get RSI?
Maybe after you've spent the past hour in the "fat-burning zone" you'd better do some high rep, light weights to "tone-up" using isolation exercises like bicep curls to "get the burn". Does this resemble your workout plan?
Think about it for a second. If that's the quickest route to success then how come everyone (or at least most people) in the gym aren't getting the results they want? Do you know anyone that trains like that or attends fitness classes that has an envious physique?
Now you may not like the idea of lifting heavy weights, and to some women the idea is abhorrent, but you need to lift heavy, relativley speaking of course, to build fat-burning muscle. If this has you thinking I'm looking candidates to enter a strong man competition, you'd be right! Just kidding. But this is the only way to build useful muscle, tighten up and lose some serious inches! Combine this with high-intensity "cardio" and you'll shrink faster than the wool jumper I've just taken out the tumble dryer.
The best exercises are Squats, Deadlifts, Pressing & Pulling movements with a Barbell and Pull Ups. Big movements, using lots of muscle groups. So..........
Back Squat
5 Sets of 5 Reps, Resting 3-5 minutes between.
Use as heavy a weight as you can but still maintaining proper form.
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15 years ago
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