Get out the gym and get some sun, sand and suffering!
These are so much fun. Working out in the fresh air is revitalising. Another beach workout today but unfortunately we couldn't film it. Cracking day for it down the Ferry, Sun was out and it was pretty warm. Had two filled kegs (we think they around 50kgs) this time, marked two lines about 15-20 metres apart and did:
Farmer's Walk (2 kegs)
Keg Pull (1 keg)
Keg Lift (1 keg)
Keg-on-back Shuttle Runs (1 keg)
Partner Piggy Backs
Fireman's Carry
All the keg work was up to the line and back, partner lifts were 1 run then swap back.
We did 3 rounds of that in 20:43
Finished off with a dip in the Tay. FREEZING!!!! But good.
If you're in the gym today you can do:
3 - 5 Rounds Maximum Reps of:
Pull Ups
Note: there is no time limit on this so you can catch your breath before strating the next exercise. A 2 minute break is advisable between exercises.
Post your Rounds, Numbers, Loads (if you are using assistance) and bodyweight (if this worries you, noone knows what height you are, but I need something to compare it to!)
We've moved.....
15 years ago
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