On the back of the fun (honest it was) we've been having at the beach over the weekend with the kegs (unfortunately only filled with water) I've decided to get some equipment down to the Ferry so we can do more stuff like this. Besides the kegs I'll have the kettlebells, rings and weights I had in my Studio, as well as acquiring more stuff to really rev up the intensity. This is going to be awesome!
Anyone interested in doing something a bit different can come down on Saturday morning for a taster at 11am. Phone or text me first on 07957 804245 so I know how many will be there.
Here's some kettlebell videos to let you see some of the things you can do with them.
Carrying on with that the workout is:
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Swings (Guys 12-16kg, Girls 8-12kg)
Push ups or Dips
Post your times please.
We've moved.....
15 years ago
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