Someone recently asked me if lifting heavy weights was going to bulk them up. How heavy? A little bit over 3lbs (~6.5kg)! Apparently this little gem came from Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow's Personal Trainer (Tracy Anderson). I'm not even sure where to begin with this one.
I'm hoping her suggestion for light weights is due to the fact that she's encouraging people to train at home, and that's brilliant. However, i think she's missing the point.
Women like terms such as toning and shaping, while men prefer to get "ripped" and "bulk up". Muscles aren't that fussy, they only contract. Yep that's right, the two ends move closer to each other and that's it. Men's and women's. No difference.
The whole point of lifting weights, man or woman, is to make you stronger and more able to deal with everyday tasks. Like shopping. A bag of sugar weighs about 2lbs (although I know none of you will have bags of sugar in your shopping!). Throw in another couple of things and you're quickly over the mystical 3lb limit imposed by Ms Anderson. Oh dear. We're gonna have an army of bulked up and ripped grannies coming out of supermarkets.
Unless you're a bodybuilder (and you'll know 'cause you keep flexing in the mirror) then you're probably not training to get bigger. Most athletes want to have more power without adding mass so use heavy weights. Something about improving neormuscular efficiency, but NOT about getting bigger. Just ask an olympic weightlifter.
So what IS the best way to improve muscle tone? Have you guessed yet? That's right, heavy weights. As long as you rest long enough between sets and don't go to failure you won't trigger muscle growth.
Front Squat
5 Sets of 5 Reps resting 3-5 minutes in between.
Go as heavy as you can keeping proper form and post what weight you managed.
We've moved.....
15 years ago
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