For Time
Run 1/2 mile (800m)
10 Burpees
20 Pull Ups
30 Push Ups
40 Squats
Run 1/4 mile (400m)
40 Squats
30 Push Ups
20 Pull Ups
10 Burpees
Run 1/2 mile
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Keep moving through this one, slow and steady wins the race. Bit of mental toughness required especially for the last run. Will probably take around the 15-20 minute mark for most of you. Main thing is to keep moving and DON'T STOP! Enjoy
We've moved.....
15 years ago
Nice to see someone else who is getting into Crossfit. My friend Craig is about to launch Crossfit Glasgow and went over to the US to attend Crossfit there. I hope to start to try and get into it again in the summer with him. Keep spreading the word.
Hi Caishnah, thanks for the comment. That's great news, keep me posted of when it's opening and I'll come through. Have you been to any of the other Crossfit gyms?
I only really know crossfit through Craig as he's been singing its praises for a while and i'm not that into exercise but he promised great results with minimum sessions so i gave it a whirl. That was about a year ago and I'm ashamed to say I've not done anything since so want to get back into it. Craig's still looking into premises but you can keep up with what he's up to at
Oh, also, not been stalking you in order to end up here, just saw your link on Gav Buchan's facebook.
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