Something for the weekend!
I'd like to know how many of you would be interested in a group workout next weekend, either at the gym or possibly outdoors such as a park or the beach. It's great to get outside and do something different for a change so hopefully the weather will be half decent.
Add a comment if you'd like me to organise something including which day you prefer and your preferred location (I know they'll all be different but once I know who'll attend I can find somewhere suitable for all).
In the meantime,
Complete for time:
3 Rounds of:
Run 200m
20 Kettlebell/Dumbbell Snatches or Swings
10 Pull Ups
Pick a weight that will allow you to finish this in about 10mins.
Post the weight you used and your time to the comments.
We've moved.....
15 years ago
Feel good......
Hi Mike,
I sent you an e-mail on Sat and a text on Sunday ref next weeks appointment. I am not sure if you have responded to the text as my baby got hold of the phone and it appears to be broken! Can you email me back please?
Ta, Amber
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