Friday 29 August 2008

080830 Saturday's Daily Workout Schedule

Something for the weekend!

I'd like to know how many of you would be interested in a group workout next weekend, either at the gym or possibly outdoors such as a park or the beach. It's great to get outside and do something different for a change so hopefully the weather will be half decent.

Add a comment if you'd like me to organise something including which day you prefer and your preferred location (I know they'll all be different but once I know who'll attend I can find somewhere suitable for all).

In the meantime,

Complete for time:

3 Rounds of:

Run 200m
20 Kettlebell/Dumbbell Snatches or Swings
10 Pull Ups

Pick a weight that will allow you to finish this in about 10mins.

Post the weight you used and your time to the comments.

080829 Friday Workout Schedule

I'm still getting used to this set up with the blog but I'm getting there!

If those of you who access the blog (and of course use it) can subscribe to the posts (button at the bottom) it will save you having to check the page for updates by sending the new post to your e-mail address.

I'm looking at getting a text service set up to for those of you who forget to check for the workout ;-)

If there's anything else I can do to improve it let me know.

Videos of workouts will be available shortly too featuring yours truly (might need to censor those ones 'cause they won't be pretty!)

Anyway today is a skill day (unless you're catching up), so practice:

Upper Body Pressing Movements

Push Ups (Floor/Inclined/Handstand (if you're feeling brave!)/hands on Smith Machine)
Shoulder Press
Push Press
Push/Split Jerk (Olympic Style so work on explosiveness with a LIGHT bar)
Bench Press

Wednesday 27 August 2008


Hi guys (and girls!),

Just a little reminder for you ALL to keep posting your times etc here.

Apart from helping me to monitor how you are progressing and what you may need to work on outside our private sessions it will also help you to easily keep a training diary that you can refer to and monitor your own progess. I'm aware that you are all at different starting points but please don't feel intimidated to post. Some workouts will appeal to your strengths, others will target your weaknesses, and you are all different!!! It's just numbers.

I'm assuming most of you don't know each other yet, but hopefully we can share experiences etc of workouts too, so don't be slow in talking to each other too.

Thanks for your support with this.

Train hard!

080828 Thursday's Workout Schedule

Enjoy this one!

(Note 400m = 0.25miles, 200m = ~0.13mi, 100m = ~0.07mi)

Scale this one as necessary, i.e. adjust push ups/ dips so you can blast through the workout but still keeping it challenging.

Complete for time:

Row 500m
15 Push Ups
Run 400m
15 Sit ups

Row 250m
25 Push Ups
Run 200m
25 Sit Ups

Row 125m
35 Push Ups
Run 100m
35 Sit Ups

Please post your times to the comments.

About Mike's Daily Workout Schedule

Welcome to Mike's Daily Workout Schedule, providing functional, brief and intense daily workouts using free weights, kettlebells and bodyweight movements from Personal Trainer Michael Gardiner, based in JJB Fitness Dundee. As well as a Daily Workout Schedule there will be up-to-date information to help you get the most out of your workouts!

Tuesday 26 August 2008

080827 Wednesday Daily Workout Schedule

Pick a weight you can do ~10 overhead squats with and do:

Five Rounds for time of:

5 Hang Power Snatches
5 Overhead Squats
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Shoulder Presses
5 Back Squats

Note your time and post it to the comments please.

Monday 25 August 2008

080826 Tuesday Daily Workout Schedule

Complete for time:

Row 500m
15 Burpees
Row 250m
25 Burpees
Row 125m
35 Burpees

Post your times to comments please.

080825 Monday

Skill Day

Practice rowing technique. Set up the display so that you can see how you are pulling on the chain and practice getting the spike on the graph early (i.e. using your legs). Carry this out on the 30s/30s r intervals (30seconds work followed by 30 seconds rest) settings for no more than 10 mins. Every pull should be spiking early.

Sunday 24 August 2008

080824 Sunday

Sorry for the late posting.

Complete this for time:

Run 400m or Row 500m
10 Pull Ups
20 Push Ups or Dips
30 Sit Ups
40 Squats
Run 200m or Row 250m
40 Squats
30 Sit Ups
20 Push Ups or Dips
10Pull Ups
Run 400m or Row 500m

Post your times to comments.

Friday 22 August 2008

080823 Saturday

Row 2k for time.

Post time to comments.

If you don't have access to a C2 rower, run 2.5k (ca. 1.5miles).

Thursday 21 August 2008

080822 Friday

20-15-10 reps of the couplet

Thrusters (front squat to press overhead)

Use a challenging amount of weight for the thrusters and scale the pull ups appropriately (i.e. assisted with a counterbalance or jumping pull ups on Smith Machine). This workout should be done in around the 3-5 minute mark.

Post times to comments.

Wednesday 20 August 2008

080821 Thursday

Skill Day


Take some time to perfect your squatting technique. Start with (Air) Squats, see:

After that move onto Back Squats, Front Squats then if you can Overhead Squats. DO NOT go heavy, although use some appreciable weight that you get enough of a feel for the movement and you should feel your abs working too.

Post any problems/ queries on technique.

Tuesday 19 August 2008

080820 Wednesday

7 Rounds for time of:

10 Deadlifts (use a weight you can do 15-20 reps with)
10 Push ups (from knees and/or use Reebok "cushion" or assisted dips if you can't do push ups)

Those of you new to these kinds of workouts are allowed to do 5 rounds.

There are A LOT of videos of deadlifts on YouTube showing improper technique. If you haven't covered deadlifts with me before just use a light bar and work the movement. Please remember these pointers for proper technique (if you don't and you get injured it's YOUR FAULT!):
1) Feet remain flat on floor throughout
2) Squat down and make sure bar touches shins
3) Back in neutral (natural curved) position
4) Shoulder BLADES over the bar

This is about the best video I could find although it's not ideal.

Monday 18 August 2008

080819 Tuesday

For time:

Run 400 metres
50 Squats
Run 400m
50 Walking Lunges
Run 400m
50 Jump ropes (skipping)

Add your times to the comments.

0800818 Monday

Complete 5 Rounds of:

10 Pull ups
10 Push ups
10 Sit ups
10 Squats

Add your times to comments.